A Quick Look at the History of Car Insurance

Car insurance is now virtually required for every driver. Despite being so commonplace that many barely give it a second thought, car insurance is a relatively new concept. Insurance policies themselves were not particularly common until more recent times. If you reside in or near Green Valley, AZ, you’re encouraged to reach out to the Insurance Center of Green Valley to discuss your coverage options. Let’s delve deeper into the evolution of automobile insurance.

The Steady March of Insurance Through History

The notion of safeguarding the majority and spreading risks has existed for a long time. Ancient civilizations, for instance, utilized grain stores to ensure a food supply during emergencies. During the medieval period, guilds pooled resources to minimize risks for their members.

Insurance policies proved vital for supporting maritime and emerging global trade in the 17th century. In the 18th century, insurance policies covering properties devastated by fire gained popularity. All these developments set the foundation for automobile insurance.

The first auto insurance policy in the United States was issued in 1897 by Travelers Insurance Company to an Ohio driver. As the popularity of cars grew over the years, so did insurance.

Connecticut, in 1925, was the first state to mandate auto insurance, with Massachusetts following as the second in 1927. However, most states did not enforce this requirement until after World War II. After the war, as roadways and interstates expanded, cars became an integral part of American society, and many states started requiring auto insurance.

If you need help from an insurance agent in Green Valley, AZ, contact the Insurance Center of Green Valley right away. We can assist you in finding the best auto insurance plan for your needs.