Reasons Your Auto Insuance Can Be Cancelled

Understanding Your Auto Insurance Responsibilities and Rights in Arizona

As Arizona auto owners, we have a responsibility to secure auto insurance. If you’re looking for an auto insurance policy and live in the Green Valley, AZ, area, our experienced agents at the Insurance Center of Green Valley are prepared to assist. We have over 35 years of experience serving clients in this area and can answer all your auto insurance questions.

Once you buy your car insurance, keeping it in force is crucial. According to the Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions, after 60 days, there could be reasons why your policy can be canceled. For instance, your policy can be canceled if your premium is not paid or your driver’s license is revoked. If you registered your car as a passenger vehicle but began using it for business purposes, it might also lead to cancellation.

Possible Reasons for Policy Nonrenewal

Your auto insurance company might refuse to renew your policy if you move to a state other than Arizona. According to Arizona law, your policy can be nonrenewed for any reason except race, age, or skin color. The company also can’t refuse to renew based on religion or gender identity.

If your policy is canceled or nonrenewed, and you believe the cancellation was unjustified, you have the right to lodge an objection to the state Director of Insurance. You must raise this objection within ten days of receiving your cancellation notice. You can state why the cancellation was unfair and include any supporting documentation.

Get in Touch Today for an Appointment

Driving a car carries the risk of encountering a reckless driver who could cause an accident and damage your vehicle. Be prepared for any eventuality by securing the right auto insurance policy. Residents of Green Valley, AZ, can find knowledgeable agents at the Insurance Center of Green Valley. Call us for an appointment today, and drive confidently, knowing you’re adequately protected.